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Casibase Support Connect to your nodes via RDP protocol:

Rdp connection

  1. Start Guacamole Server

    docker run --name guacd -d -p 4822:4822 guacamole/guacd
  2. Add a new node, set protocol to rdp add list

    add edit

  3. Connect to your node by clicking the connect button

Remote App

We support remote app on Windows nodes, you can add remote apps on node Edit page, and then you can connect to your remote app by clicking the connect button.

  1. Configure your remote app on the server end.
    You can use RemoteApp Tool to register apps. remote app config

  2. Configure the remote app information in the node edit page according to the server-end configuration. 'remoteAppName', 'remoteAppDir', and 'remoteAppArgs' are required. node config refer to Configuring Guacamole — Apache Guacamole Manual v1.5.3

  3. Connect to your remote app.