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Server Installation



All major operating systems including Windows, Linux and macOS are supported.



The use of Casibase is divided into two steps:

We strongly suggest you use Yarn 1.x to run & build Casdoor&Casibase frontend, using NPM might cause UI styling issues, see more details at: casdoor#294


For Chinese users, in order to download the Go dependency packages successfully, you need to use a Go proxy by Configuring the GOPROXY environment variable. We strongly recommend:


Casibase uses XORM to talk to the database. Based on Xorm Drivers Support, Casibase currently provides support for the following databases:

  • MySQL
  • MariaDB
  • PostgreSQL
  • CockroachDB
  • SQL Server
  • Oracle
  • SQLite 3
  • TiDB


Casibase uses guacamole-server to provide remote desktop access. If you want to use this feature, you need to install guacamole-server first. If you haven't installed guacamole-server, please refer to guacamole-server Installation.

You can also run guacd in docker with the following command:

docker run -d --name guacd -p 4822:4822 guacamole/guacd


The source code of Casibase is hosted at GitHub: Both the Go backend code and React frontend code are inside the single repository.

NameDescriptionLanguageSource code
FrontendWeb frontend UI for CasibaseJavaScript + React
BackendRESTful API backend for CasibaseGolang + Beego + XORM

Casibase supports Go Modules. To download the code, you can just simply clone the code via git:

cd path/to/folder
git clone


Configure Casdoor

Please refer to Casdoor-SSO section to configure Casdoor.

Remember your clientId,clientSecret,organization,application and so on in Casdoor configuration, we will use them later.

Configure Database

Casibase supports mysql, mssql, sqlite3, postgres. Casibase uses mysql by default.


Casibase will store its users, nodes and topics information in a MySQL database named: casibase. If the database does not exist, it needs to be created manually. The DB connection string can be specified at:

driverName = mysql
dataSourceName = root:123456@tcp(localhost:3306)/
dbName = casibase


Since we must choose a database when opening Postgres with xorm, you should prepare a database manually before running Casibase.

Let's assume that you have already prepared a database called casibase, then you should specify app.conf like this:

driverName = postgres
dataSourceName = "user=postgres password=postgres host=localhost port=5432 sslmode=disable dbname=casibase"
dbName =

For PostgreSQL, make sure dataSourceName has non-empty dbName and leave the standalone dbName field empty like the above example.


You can also use Cockroachdb with postgres driver. It has same configuration as postgreSQL.

driverName = postgres
dataSourceName = "user=postgres password=postgres host=localhost port=5432 sslmode=disable dbname=casibase serial_normalization=virtual_sequence"
dbName =

For CockroachDB, don't forget to add serial_normalization=virtual_sequence to the dataSourceName like the above example. otherwise you will get error regarding existed database, whenever the service starts or restarts. Notice, this must be added before the database created.


You should specify app.conf like this:

driverName = sqlite
dataSourceName = "file:casibase.db?cache=shared"
dbName = casibase

Custom configuration

Casibase supports custom configuration, you can modify the configuration file conf/app.conf to change the configuration.

  • Backend (conf/app.conf)
casdoorEndpoint = <Your Casdoor endpoint>
clientId = <Your Casdoor application's client ID>
clientSecret = <Your Casdoor application's client secret>
casdoorOrganization = <Your Casdoor organization name>
casdoorApplication = <Your Casdoor application name>
  • Frontend (web/src/Conf.js)
serverUrl: "<Your Casdoor endpoint>"
clientId: "<Your Casdoor application's client ID>"
appName: "<Your Casdoor application name>"
organizationName: "<Your Casdoor organization name>"


There are currently two methods to start, you can choose one according to your own situation.


Casibase requires Casdoor to provide access control and some back-end services, so you must make sure Casdoor is running properly before running Casibase.

How to install and run Casdoor:

Development mode


Casibase's Go backend runs at port 14000 by default. You can start the Go backend with the following command:

go run main.go

After the server is successfully running, we can start the frontend part.


Casibase's frontend is a very classic Create-React-App (CRA) project. It runs at port 13001 by default. Use the following commands to run the frontend:

cd web
yarn install
yarn start

Production mode


Build Casibase Go backend code into executable and start it.

For Linux:

go build

For Windows:

go build


Build Casibase frontend code into static resources (.html, .js, .css files):

cd web
yarn install
yarn build



If you use nginx as a reverse proxy, you need to add the following configuration to the nginx configuration file:

location / {
*** your configuration ***
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection "upgrade";

Because Casibase uses websocket to communicate with guacd.


Visit: http://localhost:13001 in your browser. Login into Casibase dashboard with the user account you have just registered in Casdoor:


Then you will go to the home page of Casibase:


To use another port, please edit conf/app.conf and modify httpport, then restart the Go backend.
