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In this section, we introduce the most central part of Casibase: chat and its management.

1. Chat

Once we have configured the store, we can have a dialogue with the AI. This is shown in the image below:


2. Chats (Chat management)

We can manage our chat sessions from the Chats menu.


This page allows the user to view the information of the created chats, and the user can also click on Edit to view or edit them. They display the following information:

  • Name: The name of the created chat.
  • Updated time: The time when the chat is Updated.
  • User: The user to whom the chat belongs.
  • Client IP: Client IP of the chat.
  • Count: Number of inputs and outputs for this chat.
  • Token count: The total number of tokens used for this chat.
  • Price: Total price spent on this chat.
  • Messages: Showing the content of the chat's message.
  • Store: Display the Store to which the chat belongs.
  • Category: Display the Category to which the chat belongs.