(Optional) Try with Docker
If you want to build the Docker image yourself, please ensure that your machine has at least 2GB of memory. Casibase's frontend is an NPM project of React. Building the frontend requires at least 2GB of memory. Having less than 2GB of memory may result in a frontend build failure.
If you only need to run the pre-built image, please ensure that your machine has at least 100MB of memory.
All operating systems (Linux, Windows, and macOS) are supported.
You can use Docker (docker-engine version >= 17.05) in Linux or Docker Desktop in Windows and macOS.
Regardless of the operating system, users must ensure that they have docker-engine version >= 17.05. This is because we utilize the multi-stage build feature in the docker-compose.yml, which is supported in versions 17.05 and above. For more information, see https://docs.docker.com/develop/develop-images/multistage-build/.
If you use docker-compose, please ensure you have docker-compose version >= 2.2. For Linux users, note that docker-compose needs to be installed separately from docker-engine.
Get the image
We have provided two DockerHub images:
Name | Description | Suggestion |
casibase-all-in-one | Both Casibase and a MySQL database are included in the image | This image already includes a toy database and is only for testing purposes |
casibase | Only Casibase is included in the image | This image can be connected to your own database and used in production |
- casbin/casibase-all-in-one: This image includes the casibase binary, a MySQL database, and all the necessary configurations. It is designed for new users who want to try Casibase quickly. With this image, you can start Casibase immediately with just one or two commands, without any complex configuration. However, please note that we do not recommend using this image in a production environment.
Option-1: Use the toy database
Run the container with port 14000
exposed to the host. The image will be automatically pulled if it doesn't exist on the local host.
docker run -p 14000:14000 casbin/casibase-all-in-one
Visit http://localhost:14000 in your browser. Log into the Casibase dashboard with the default global admin account: built-in/admin
Option-2: Try with docker-compose
Create a conf/app.conf
directory in the same directory level as the docker-compose.yml
file. Then, copy app.conf from Casibase. For more details about app.conf
, you can see Via Ini file.
Create a separate database using docker-compose:
docker-compose up
That's it! 🛩️
Visit http://localhost:14000 in your browser. Log into the Casibase dashboard with the default global admin account: built-in/admin
Note: If you dig deeper into the docker-compose.yml file, you may be puzzled by the environment variable we created called "RUNNING_IN_DOCKER". When the database 'db' is created via docker-compose, it is available on your PC's localhost but not the localhost of the Casibase container. To prevent you from running into troubles caused by modifying app.conf, which can be quite difficult for a new user, we provided this environment variable and pre-assigned it in the docker-compose.yml. When this environment variable is set to true, localhost will be replaced with host.docker.internal so that Casibase can access the database.
Option-3: Try directly with the standard image
If it is not convenient to mount the configuration file to a container, using environment variables is also a possible solution.
docker run \
-e driverName=mysql \
-e dataSourceName='user:password@tcp(x.x.x.x:3306)/' \
-p 14000:14000 \
Create conf/app.conf
. You can copy it from conf/app.conf in Casibase. For more details about app.conf
, you can see Via Ini file.
Then run
docker run -p 14000:14000 -v /folder/of/app.conf:/conf casbin/casibase:latest
Anyway, just mount the app.conf to /conf/app.conf and start the container.
Visit http://localhost:14000 in your browser. Log into the Casibase dashboard with the default global admin account: built-in/admin